℃ Degree Celsius Symbol Copy And Paste (U+02103)

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Click on the degree celsius symbol (℃) to copy and paste it wherever you want, such as in a Microsoft Word document, Google Sheets, or on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Skype, Twitter (X), Reddit, and more.

Degree Celsius Symbol

Degree Celsius Symbol Copy


Celsius Degree Symbol Codes



U+02103 Copied!





℃ Copied!

Hex Code


℃ Copied!

CSS Code


\2103 Copied!

How to Type the Celcius Degree Symbol

On Windows:

  • Hold down the ALT key and type 248 on the numeric keypad, then release ALT and type C. Alternatively, press ALT and type 0176, then type C to get the Celsius symbol.

On Mac:

degree symbol macos
  • To get the Celsius symbol, press Option + Shift + 8 together, then type C. This will give you the degree symbol, followed by C to complete it.

On iPhone or iPad:

degree symbol ios
  • On your iOS device, press and hold the 0 key until the degree symbol (°) appears. Tap it, then type C to make the Celsius symbol.

On Android:

degree symbol android
  • Open any text app like Messages or Microsoft OneNote, and tap ?123 to switch to the symbols keyboard. Next, press =< and select the degree symbol (°), then type C to complete the Celsius symbol.

Degree Celsius Symbol Download

High-Resolution (5000×5000)

Degree Celsius Symbol


transparent.png | .jpg | .png


Degree Celsius Symbol


.pdf | .svg

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° Degree Symbol Copy and Paste - 2024